Milcotec ApS
Milcotec is now an official distributor of JOZ Top-class feed pusher robot – MOOV 2.0
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26 June 2024Efficiency and future perspectives with Lely Milking Robots: A customer experience from MilcotecLely milking robots have revolutionized dairy farming, with many farmers experiencing improved efficiency and reduced labor burdens. One such farmer is Sascha from Buchholzermoor in Dithmarschen,...
24 June 2024Urban Milkshuttle on subscription: An innovative solution for BjolderupgårdAgriculture is a complex industry where efficiency and equipment maintenance play a crucial role in daily operations. For Kristine Petz, the farm manager at Bjolderupgård in Bolderslev, the Urban...
17 June 2024Kjærgård by Lars Otte - Efficient Calf Breeding with Urban Alma ProLars Otte has been running his farm for almost 25 years and is now the ninth generation on the 300 acre family estate. For the second time, Lars has chosen to install Urban Alma Pro Calf Feeders,...
1 June 2023We have been nominated!We are super proud and honoured to have been nominated for 'The South Jutland Business Award' in the category 'Digitalisation'!
7 March 2025Repair of Lely transponders - Save money and get a 2-year warrantyTransponders play a crucial role in modern milking systems, ensuring accurate identification and monitoring of cow health and activity. But what do you do when a transponder stops working? Instead of...
6 October 2022It's no problem to keep the three old Lely A2 milking robots running in the barnKeeping old milking robots alive can be a challenge. But it is a challenge that farmer Thøger Larsen, Kværndrup, is happy to take on. Especially after he got in touch with Milcotec, who, with...
12 March 2025Urban calf feeding systems - Quality and InnovationSince 2015, Milcotec has been the official distributor of Urban products in Denmark. Urban is one of the world's leading manufacturers of innovative calf feeding systems and we are proud to offer...
5 March 2025Extend the life of your older Lely milking robot - we have the parts you need!Many dairy farmers face a dilemma: Should they invest in a brand new milking robot or can their current Lely model still perform optimally for years to come? The answer is clear - your older Lely...
10 March 2025Repair of Lely transponders - 9 years experience and over 50.000 units repairedAt Milcotec, we have specialized in the repair of Lely transponders for 9 years and in that time we have repaired more than 50,000 units for farmers across the EU. We know how important a well...
5 March 2025Buy and sell of used Lely milking robots - Get a reliable solution at a competitive priceAt Milcotec, we specialize in buying and selling of used Lely milking robots, so you can get a reliable solution without paying the price of a new robot. A used Lely robot is an obvious choice for...
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Karl Eriksson
Aug 16, 2023
Milcotec har alltid bra priser och delar till mina Lely-robotar. Jag fick hjälp snabbt när jag behövde reparation av en responder.
Luis Silva
Jul 16, 2022
Excelente atendimento ao cliente e suporte técnico. As peças para os robôs Lely são de alta qualidade e a assistência é muito rápida.
Hans Müller
Nov 11, 2020
Milcotec bietet großartige Unterstützung und Ersatzteile für meine Lely A4 Roboter. Sie haben mir oft geholfen, und die Preise sind fair.
Jan Kowalski
Maj 28, 2020
Milcotec ma szeroki asortyment części zamiennych do robotów Lely. Naprawa responderów trwała trochę za długo.
Juan Fernández
Oct 17, 2023
Excelente servicio técnico. Milcotec siempre tiene las piezas para mis robots Lely, y han reparado los respondedores rápidamente cuando los necesitaba.
Pål Hansen
Apr 9, 2022
Jeg har fått veldig god hjelp fra Milcotec når det kommer til reservedeler til Lely-robotene mine. Kundeservicen er rask og effektiv.
Philippe Martin
Mar 15, 2021
Le service de Milcotec est impeccable. Leurs pièces de rechange pour mes robots Lely sont toujours disponibles, et les réparations des réspondeurs se font rapidement.
Svend Frandsen
Jan 09, 2019
Vores Dairymaster malkestald er den bedste investering vi nogensinde har lavet. Med alle de penge vi sparer i vedligeholdelse og drift af malkestalden, er det blevet muligt for os at ansætte to nye medarbejdere, som samtidigt hjælper os med den daglige drift på gården og gøre hverdagen nemmere for os.
Patrick Johnson
Feb 17, 2019
I discovered this brilliant website last week, when I was searching internet for spare parts for my Lely Discovery. I ordered scraper blade and a pair of new wheels for my little robot and received my ordered spare parts already after 3 days. Now is added to favorites!
Thiim Janzen
Nov 10, 2019
Ich habe 3 Lely A2 Roboter, an denen ich die meisten Reparaturen und Servicearbeiten selbst durchführe. Ich kaufe meine Lely Melkroboter Ersatzteile bei Milcotec, da sie alle Ersatzteile bekommen können. Ich bestelle oft auf ihrer Website und erhalte die Teile einige Tage später - einfach und bequem.
Michael Smith
Oct 24, 2019
My clear recommendation of Milcotec. I have received support from their technicians several times, so I have saved a lot of money. They also have a lot of Lely spare parts for my A4 robots at favorable prices. Good support and quick operation.
Henrich Hansen
Jun 16, 2019
Milcotec ApS har hjulpet os med service af vores Lely robotter gennem mange år til vores fulde tilfredshed. Deres servicefolk er opdateret med nyeste viden og kan fortælle hvad der er galt med robotten med det samme. Gad vide hvor de få deres viden fra. Helt klart 5 stjerne fra os. Hilsnen, Henrich og Dorthe
Georgy Petrov
Oct 23, 2015
Уже не однократно заказываем запчасти через Милкотек. Не всегда все нужные нам запчасти представлены на сайте, но в таком случае достаточно просто отправить им мэил со списком. Всегда быстро отвечают на запросы и при больший заказах предоставляют скидки.
Janis Egle
Oct 16, 2019
Lielisks veikals! Mēs ilgi meklējām Lely A2 un Lely A3 detaļu piegādātāju. Milkotec bija spējis atrast visas mums nepieciešamās detaļas. Piegāde arī bija ļoti ātra, vien pāris dienas un paka jau pie mums. Šķiet, ka esam atraduši īsto piegādātāju.
Jørgen Pedersen
Jun 28, 2019
Jeg købte en 250 liters Milkshuttle hos Milcotec. Inden jeg besluttede mig havde jeg mulighed for at få den på prøve i 10 dage – det hjalp mig til at tage beslutningen. Hvis jeg har brug for reserve- eller sliddele, bestiller jeg det bare på deres hjemmeside, hvor jeg kan finde alt som jeg har brug for.
Luke Henzel
Jul 31, 2019
I have been looking to find alternative spare parts to my Lely Discovery 120 and found the spare parts for my Lely discovery on danish webpage www. I ordered spare parts and already after 4 days I received the goods in super condition, and small “surprise“ snickers chocolate was included in the box.
August Höffner
Aug 06, 2019
Wir haben im Januar 2019 von Milcotec 2 Stück gebrauchter Lely A2 Roboter gekauft und die Lely A2 wurde im februar auch von Milcotec installiert und im betreibnahme genommen. Alles life nach dem plan und wir freunen uns jedenTag uber die Lely A2 Roboter. Wir können Milcotec nur für andere empfehlen.
Gerrit Damstegt
Oct 19, 2019
Jeg udskiftede mine 2 gamle De-Laval robotter med en Mobistar Swing-Over. Det har jeg på ingen måde fortrudt da systemet fra Dairymaster fuldt lever op til mine forventninger. Hvad angår service og omkostninger for at holde anlægget kørende har jeg intet at klage over da der ikke har været et eneste nedbrud. Kun almindelige vedligehold.